Saturday, November 22, 2008

My routine

Today..gue btapa kt lab gue..i'm actually waiting for that thing called HPLC..tggu results kuar ni..aduss, lembap betul la..oops, for those who dont know me..i'm working in a, basically, melepak kt lab ni da jadi no big deal to me..even sejak zmn gue blaja kt MU dulu pn, most of the time, hidup gue hanyala utk lab..lab..lab..stay kt lab sorang2 sampai kul 10 mlm pn was fine to me then..ramai gak member2 gue yg advise gue not to stay so late..diorg xtau tdo kt lab pn da mjadi kebiasaan gue the truth is, sometimes i just didnt have a choice..i had to..n i think that's a normal life for a student who's doing a research..we just didnt have much time to complete our research in the given, take it or leave it..but then, ble da byk kali the same kinda situation happened, btapa kat lab pd bla2 masa telah mjadi a routine to me..n now, gue t'bwk2 routine gue kt my workplace lak..gue slalu dtg on first, people pelik tgk gue si anak dara ni dtg ofis/lab sorang2 time weekend..mmg slalunya..gue dan my boo (my car) la satu2nya penghuni kt blok L ni..if diorg pelik tgk gue, gue pun pelik gak ngn org2 len kt sini..gue tpikir gak..research kt cni only active on weekdays je ke? weekends mmg sunyi sepi la..blh dikatakan quite creepy gak la building Pengarah pun penah tanya..'i slalu npk keta u on weekends..u buat ape?' (ada gak that kinda question eh)..gue x pasan la lak ble masa beliau spy gue..mmg slalu keta beliau park kt his reserved parking space tp that normally doesnt mean that he's around sbb kkdg beliau outstation n leave his car there..gue pn jawab..'wat labwork la..wat ape lagik..' (3 ayat susulan itu hanyalah tambahan semata2)..kalo beliau tau, gue penah tdo kat lab..lagi la kecoh..i can assure u that beb..x penah ada or buat kt cni..gue la pcipta sejarah..haha..despite what they slalu cite psl misteri nusantara kt building ni, gue wat dono je la coz my work's time gue spent a nite kt lab tu bkn sbb gue wat labwork sbb gue wat tesis gue, sbb kalo gue kt umah..uish..byk sgt thing about me guys, i prefer working alone..hurmm..maybe that's one of the reasons why i still stick to my routine..haha..janji gue x kaco idup org..peace!!:p